Send Email and perform action, add record in Database using Laravel ,Mailgun
I think title is quite interesting.
today we are going to discuss the case when our user sends email and based on that email body our Laravel Application will perform some task.
We will use Mailgun for Inbound Email Process. you can also use custom server or any other third party service like mandrill.
first of all take your subdomain for emails like which is good practice because DNS Records for original domain will not be changed.
Add domain
Login to mailgun > sending > domains > Add New Domain
enter domain name choose region and save record . now enter the MX,TXT records as per offical documentation also at domain verification page mailgun portal confirm about values added in DNS Records . after configuring DNS Settings you need to verify domain .
Add Route to Mailgun
goto Receiving > Create Route> enter web address which is ready to insert values received by mail route ,that’s all from Mailgun.
Laravel in Picture
Create route in laravel as mentioned in Mailgun Routes section and make sure you have done all kind of validations to receive and perform action accordingly.
get values inside controller using below code
$sender = Input::get(‘sender’);
$subject = Input::get(‘subject’);
$body = Input::get(‘stripped-text’);
use these variables for further use.